One thought on “Fall 2015 Transit Reader Newsletter is Launched

  1. gadfly

    When gov’t agencies can’t afford to keep good workers, expand services and hours, etc. for people who MUST ride transit and students whose future depends on public education, WHY does TRU push for unnecessary luxuries like free passes (with Metro and the schools covering the cost) for ALL students? Do you really think that youth somehow equals low income?

    Kids do not pay for transportation, their parents do, and ONLY those parents who are low income need subsidies. There are tens of thousands of families who can afford to cover their kids bus passes. We do not need to waste our precious time, effort, and political capital asking for subsidized passes for middle and upper income families, especially when it will only come at the expense of the poor when routes are then cut and schools reduce class options.

    When is TRU going to return to its mission and advocate for better, more affordable and accessible bus service and stop chasing peripheral “causes”? There are still micro areas that are poorly served, busstops used by elderly and disabled that have no seating, busstops that are poorly sited or too far apart, etc. There is still much to do…pick your battles more wisely and maybe TRU will seem more relevant and effective to those who want to be change agents for mobility and transportation.

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