Public Hearing on County Council Fare Proposals

February 14, 2014

The County Council is considering the following proposals that would change Metro’s fare structure, starting March 1, 2015.  Councilmembers will be hearing public comment on Tuesday, February 18, starting 1:30 pm in Council Chambers, 10th Floor of the County Courthouse.

1. $0.25 across-the-board fare increase affecting standard and peak fares, youth fares, senior and disabled fares

2. $0.50 ACCESS fare increase

3. A new Reduced Fare program for low income transit riders (up to 200% of the Federal Poverty Level), with a reduced fare of $1.50

Come speak your mind! Join TRU members in speaking strongly in support of a low income fare program with a reduced fare of $1.00 or less.  Speak against fare increases, and especially against the $0.50 ACCESS fare increase, which will have a negligible effect on Metro’s revenue while hurting those who depend on public transit the most.

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