Transit Reader Newsletter – PDF
The very first issue of the Transit Riders Union newletter, the Transit Reader, was launched at our potluck this afternoon. A big thank you to everyone who wrote articles, edited, illustrated, and otherwise contributed to this effort! There is a link to the PDF version above, but it’s no substitute for the real thing, so make sure to get a copy from a TRU member.
46th District State Representative Jessyn Farrell, co-sponsor of HB 1959, made an appearance at our potluck too. We all made calls to our state legislators urging them to support this bill, which would give King County local funding options for transit and a chance to avoid 17% service cuts next year. Please call your legislators, and…
Join us tonight on our Midnight March for Metro!! Meet at 11:00 pm, 1541 15th Ave W. (it’s on the Rapid Ride D-line). We’re arranging transportation to make sure everyone can get at least back to downtown after the march.