2024 General Election Endorsements

October 11, 2024

At our September Membership Meeting, TRU reaffirmed or made the following endorsements:


  • Alexis Mercedes Rinck for Seattle City Council Position 8
  • YES on Seattle Prop 1 (Keep Seattle Moving): TRU urges Seattle voters to vote YES on the 2024 Seattle Transportation Levy. This is not the levy of our dreams. We are disappointed that the council voted down Councilmember Morales’ proposal to increase the levy’s size to $1.7 billion to invest more in multimodal infrastructure, and we are disappointed that it represents a reduced annual investment in public transit infrastructure compared to the expiring levy. We also wish the City would work harder to seek more progressive revenue sources than the property tax. However, the package has been significantly improved from its initial version thanks to the collective efforts of transportation advocates. Additional funding was won for sidewalk construction and repair, bike safety, neighborhood-initiated safety projects, Vision Zero improvements to Seattle’s most dangerous streets, and a new “people streets and public spaces” program. We believe that on balance this levy should be approved so that the City can move forward with these urgent investments, while we continue to push for more rapid expansion of public transit and a shift away from a car-centered transportation system.

Washington Statewide Initiatives

  • NO on I-2066: Let’s keep moving forward on clean energy!
  • NO on I-2109: Retain the capital gains tax on wealthy households and better fund our schools
  • NO on I-2117: Save the Climate Commitment Act & its funds for public transit, including free transit for youth!
  • NO on I-2124: Reject this attempt to repeal the Washington Cares Fund and cut off access to long-term care.

Congressional and State Legislative Races

  • Shaun Scott for 43rd Legislative District Position 2
  • Melissa Demyan for 45th Legislative District Position 2
  • Devin Rydel Kelly for 27th Legislative District Position 2
  • Melissa Chaudhry for Congressional District 9

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